Homeschool at the Museum with The Tower Heritage Center in Washington County, Wisconsin
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How One Membership Makes a Difference. Hint: It Starts with You.

As a nonprofit organization independent of county funding, we rely on community support to keep Washington County’s stories alive. Members are our greatest champions – joining us in our mission of forging meaningful connections across generations. 

Membership is the best way to support our mission year-round. Not only does it allow us to stay connected with you, but it directly impacts our ability to create quality content, deliver heritage-based programs, and conserve the buildings that are home to our history.

At this point, you’re probably thinking:  “Great, another membership.” Along with: “Sure, the cause is important, but someone else will help. Right?

We get it. There are memberships everywhere now. The last thing you need is another plastic ID card, storage-draining app, login password, or constant email bombardment.  (Rest assured – we don’t do any of those things.) 

All right, so that leaves us with the lingering question: “Does my individual membership really make a difference?


Here’s how:

Your membership supports 40+ programs annually, for over 800 people.

This includes two seasons of Homeschool at the Museum and eight days of Teen Leadership Academy.

Homeschool at the Museum with The Tower Heritage Center in Washington County, Wisconsin
‘Homeschool at the Museum checking out historic Enger-Kress pocketbooks while learning about leathermaking’
Teen Leadership Academy with The Tower Heritage Center
‘The inaugural Teen Leadership Academy outside of the 1889 Courthouse’

Your membership continues care for over 200 years of history in the research center and archive.

The Research Center and Archive serves over 400 researchers annually, and houses 800 cubic feet of historic documents and over 17,000 historic images.

Research Center and Archive with The Tower Heritage Center in Washington County, Wisconsin
Historic records in the Research Center and Archive of The Tower Heritage Center in Washington County, Wisconsin

Your membership keeps Washington County’s stories alive.

This year, we connected through 25+ stories in our newly launched blog, The Chronicle, which explores history from all over Washington County, and shared 16+ episodes in our recently released podcast, The Heritage Connection. More to come!

Your membership supports the ongoing preservation of 3 historic sites.

Preserving historic buildings is an ongoing mission – one made possible by you. Our most recent initiative is a Plaster Stabilization Project to save the original plaster ceilings in the 1889 Courthouse.

1889 Courthouse and 1886 Jailhouse of The Tower Heritage Center in West Bend, Wisconsin

Your membership forges connections in the community.

Because of you, we are able to engage with the community in our spaces. This year we’ve held 40+ programs and events, over 20 weddings in the historic courtroom, and 23 farmers’ market mornings around the Courthouse Square.

Historic courtroom rental venue with The Tower Heritage Center home to the Washington County Historical Society in West Bend, Wisconsin

Parting Words

One membership makes a difference and it starts with one person who cares.

Thank you to our members. Your dedication and generosity make our mission possible. 

Everything we’ve achieved and plan to achieve for our county and community is a direct reflection of support from you, our cherished friends.

You Make Our Work Possible!

Community support allows us to continue telling Washington County’s stories. We invite you to become a member and consider making an additional gift of support. Contact us about sponsorship opportunities for local businesses as well.